Heavy Metal Cleansing
Heavy Metal Cleansing
Heavy Metal Cleansing
Heavy metal and environmental toxins can be removed naturally, safe and easy 
Heavy metals are taken into the body via inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. If heavy metals enter and accumulate in body tissue faster than the body’s detoxification pathways can dispose of them, a gradual build-up of these toxins will occur. Heavy metals are taken into the body via inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. These include: mercury, nickel, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminium, platinum, and copper (metallic form versus ionic form). Heavy metals have no function in the body and can be highly toxic. For more information on Heavy Metal Cleansing click here

Zeolite Detox Liquid

Heavy Metal & Environmental Toxin Detox Liquid (50ml)
zeolite clay

Zeolite Clay

For external and animal use (1 kg)
