Other Product Links

For more information and tips on our products as well as other great items for your wellbeing please visit one of our related sites.

These sites will open in another window. Some are from other shops around the world where we like to shop too.


AIM Herbal Fiber

AIM natural herbal products including AIM Herbal Fiberblend and Barley Life
Colon Health Info

Colon Health Info

All the information on Colon Health issues like IBS, Constipation, Candida and everything else and how to treat it
Parasite Info

Parasite Info

Worried about Parasites? This site will give you alternative solutions
Shanti Village

Shanti Village

Detox & Cleansing
Enema Info

Enema Info

Everything you could want to know about Enemas
Fasting Info

Fasting Info

There are many ways to do a fast. Educate yourself before you embark on the journey.
Natural Therapy Info

Natural Therapy Info

With so many Natural Therapies out there it is hard to know which one to choose. Here we talk about our most favorite ones.
Webspirit Books


Spiritual, alternative & how to E-books. Many free and paid ebooks to choose from.
Ancient Book of Life

Ancient Book of Life

13 different ancient analysis give you inside on your health and other aspects of your life
Make a Flute

Make a Flute

How to make your own concert tuned bamboo flutes including Shakuhachi.