Colon Cleansing
Colon Cleansing
for greater wellbeing.

Enema’s and colon cleaning by way of water have been around for millennium. Humanity has long believed that the source of many ailments is directly related to the state of the colon.

For more information and instructions on enemas and their use click here. For internal products on Colon Cleansing see AIM Herbal Fiberblend and Oxy-Powder


Travel Douche, Fountain / Bag Enema (2ltr )

Rectal Tube

As extra attachment for Bag Enema

Bulb Syringe Enema

Bulb Syringe Enema (200ml)

Higginson Syringe Enema

Higginson Syringe Enema


Implant Kit

To insert small amounts of liquid into the colon. (60ml)

Closed Enema System

Closed Enema System (2ltr )


Castor Oil Disposable Pads

For easy, mess free Castor Oil Packs (2 sheets)

Cert. Org. Castor Oil

Cert. Organic, cold pressed, Palma Christi Castor Oil (500ml)

Bentonite Clay

Hydrated Bentonite Clay (946ml)