
30 caps Ultra Co-Enzyme Q10 (400mg) as part of the Hulda Clark Parasite cleanse

- Helps maintain healthy digestive function.
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
- Potent Antioxidant and free radical scavenger
- Helps temporary relief of fatigue
- As part of Hulda Clarks tapeworm protocol

Each Capsule contains:

  • Co-Enzyme Q10 400mg

It takes a very large amount, 3000mg, to reach tapeworm casts in far away places like the brain or bone marrow. This is 3 grams. If you are extra tall or heavy, it takes 4 grams [over 155 pounds].

Co-enzyme Q10 is normally present in every cell of your body. It is never toxic and there are no side effects. But its cost is prohibitive to take on an ongoing basis. Plan not to reinfect yourself again so that one dose is enough. You could re-infect yourself by eating rare meats or dairy products.

Take the large definitive dose every fifth day until you are better. On other days take a smaller dose, about 400mg.

To get its full potency, take it on an empty stomach, such as before breakfast.

Do not take while on Warfarin therapy without medical advice.