Colloidal Silver, make your own!

Since ancient times, many diseases were treated with colloidal silver, a natural antibiotics. It is effective against malicious bacteria, viruses and fungi. Within six minutes, it can kill up to 650 different pathogens, but without attacking vital healthy bacteria in the body.
In modern times with wide spread distribution of pharmaceutical products the use of this time honoured boost to our immune system has all but disapeared. Big Pharm has developed different strains of antibotics in the thousands. Many work, many do not. There are so many factors.
When viruses, bacteria and fungi attack the human immune system there is a risk that they may develop into an epidemic or pandemic. It is widely understood that science is having trouble keeping up with mutatiing viruses and is turning back to colliodial silver because it can still kill bacteria that have become immune to antibiotics.

Historically, Colloidial Silver was used almost exclusively as the primary way of fighting infection from bacteria and virus up untill the1960’s. The medicinal properties of silver were used in ancient Egypt, China, India and Persia and shared with Greece and Rome. Early healers of the Middle Ages such as Paracelsus and Hildegard von Bingen also used silver. Noblility has used silver cutlery and crockery as Prophylaxis. People were aware of colloidal silver as natural antibiotic.
The pharmaceutical industry produces patented antibiotics because they are in business to profit from providing them. If the making of Colloidial Silver could be pattented Big Pharm would profit from making Colloidial Silver. It is that simple.
There are no large sums of money in providing a medicinal, which can be made easily at home.

If you would like to know which is the best colloidal Silver generator for your own personal use, please contact us directly.

Many ask what is meant by colloidal Silver?

The smallest parts, into which a material can be disassembled without losing their individual characteristics are referred to as colloid particles. The next stage of crushing would be the atom itself.

Colloidal silver is pure silver in pure water. The crushing in microscopically small parts increases the total surface area of ​​silver thereby to a multiple. In this form, the tiny silver penetrates to the most remote regions of the body to perform its action. This action is based on a dual strategy: It destroys hostile lives while promoting life itself. Colloidal silver is the best natural antibiotics.

Benefits of Colloidal Silver?

The Importance of "Colloidal"
Most fluids in our body are colloidal in nature. Therefore a colloidal substance is easier to use and assimilate for the body.
To explain colloidal in simple terms, you can imagine very fine particles suspended in another substance. In the case of colloidal silver, ultra–fine particles of silver are suspended in water.

The action of the colloidal silver
Recent studies show that colloidal silver in single-celled, fungi and fungal spores and plasmodia and in worms inhibits or prevents phosphate uptake and the permeability of cell membranes. Thus colloidal silver mitigate inflammatory and allergic reactions in humans, by suppressing the release of histamine and prostaglandins. In addition, colloidal silver binds excess electrons and can detoxify heavy metals.

Colloidal silver destroys parasites
Silver is the best natural electrical conductor. Therefore, silver colloids are also well suited for therapeutic applications. In its colloidal form, it can even penetrate into single-celled bacteria and there blocking the enzyme responsible for the production of oxygen. This way the metabolism of the parasite comes to a standstill and it dies.
However, experience has shown that intact skin cells and healthy bacteria are not harmed by the use of colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver promotes regeneration
Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of "The Body Electric" and known biomedical researcher of the American Syracuse University found that colloidal silver at the same having devastating effects on hostile forms and support vital tissues.
Colloidal silver fosters in a special way the growth of bone and accelerated the healing of injured tissue by more than fifty percent.

Colloidal silver prevents bacterial infections
As a natural antibiotics it can also be used in the treatment of open wounds, because it can prevent a bacterial infection. Through contraction of the wound surface colloidal silver accelerates the healing process. This ensures that the skin stays very elastic and breaks open less.

Here's a story I read somewhere: "A women went on holidays and when she came back, her goldfish were swimming belly-up in the fish tank. She rescued her nearly dead Goldfisch by putting a few drops of colloidal silver to the fish water. Within a short time the fish were all back to normal."

Medical Uses of colloidal Silver:

Colloidal Silver can be used in any situation you would use antibiotics or anti bacterial cremes on the skin. The advantage of course it being a natural antibiotic.

Since 1883, a diluted silver nitrate solution was put in the eyes of newborn babys to eliminate a disease that caused blindness in newborns.

Some other small victories for Colloidial Silver
·       11th Century – Ergotism
·       12th Century – Smallpox and Measles
·       13th Century – Leprosy
·       14th Century – Plague
·       15th Century – Syphilis
·       16th Century – Ruhr
·       17th Century – Typhoid and Cholera
·       18th Century – Typhoid and Cholera
·       19th Century – Tuberculosis
·       20th Century -  Ebola, Hanta, Anthrax, Spanish Flu and Bird Flu.

Dosage for colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is taken pure and undiluted. Under no circumstances should it be consumed together with water, since it can lead to the formation of silver salts, if the water contains minerals, which is not desirable. For the same reason it should be taken at least one hour away from meals.
Colloidal silver is best absorbed through the oral mucosa and is kept for this purpose as long as possible in the mouth. If it is swallowed too quickly, there is a danger that it passes into the intestine, where it can weaken the useful intestinal bacteria.
Therefore, we recommend the uses of colloidal silver mainly external or for short-term treatment of acute infections.

When you make your own, you can drink one glass per day for up to 3 month. (too much for too long is not good, as the silver can store in your system). With acute infections I drink 2 large glasses a day till infection is gone (works great with UTI).

Use common sense and drink when needed. You can use it externally by using a dropper to put it on infections. I also found it good for sunburns, pour over the red skin and let it dry.


Colloidal Silver, The Antibiotic Alternative, by Lloyd Michael Canty and Zane Boranowski, The Colloid Research Foundation/94. Silver Facts, from The Silver Institute, Washington, DC
The Silver Pulser Operating Manual, by SOTA Instruments Inc.
Colloidal Silver and You…, The Silver Education Coalition.
Bio/Tech News, Special Report, "Hi–Yo Silver!" 1995
Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No. 4