Lymphatic cleansing is a important key to a healthy body. What you can do for your lymphs including lymph drainage and massage.
What is the Lymphatic System
Most of us know little about the lymph system. Even so most of us have heard of lymph drainage or lymph massage. We’re familiar with the lymph nodes located in the armpits and the groin, and have a vague notion that swelling of the nodes is a danger signal, but that’s it.
Did you know that the lymph system is twice the size of our other circulatory system? Twice as much lymph as blood is present in our bodies, and we have twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels.
As most readers probably know, much of the body is made up of water. Part of the water is in the bloodstream, but far more resides in the lymphatic system. Our cells are located in a sea of lymph, a pale fluid. The lymphatic vessels run parallel to the blood veins in the body. The vessels of the lymph system are filled with a fluid called lymph that is collected from the space between the cells in the body. The lymph fluids feed the cells of the body by transporting various nutrients such as salts, minerals, and proteins to every cell of the body. Likewise, lymph fluid carries cell wastes and debris that accumulate from normal cell function away from the cells and turns them over to the blood. The blood shuttles the wastes to the kidneys, lungs, colon, and skin for elimination. The lymph system can be thought of as the cellular toxin disposal system.
Lymph flows slowly upward through the body to the top of the chest at a rate approximating 3 quarts per day. Lymph collects, is filtered in, and then passes from nodes within the system. There are over six hundred lymph nodes in our bodies, some nodes are located just above the bend in the elbow. 20 to 30 large nodes are clustered deep within the underarm and upper chest regions. Lymph from the legs and genitals collects in and drains through a large collection of nodes in the groin. Lymph fluid also flows down from the head through the neck. Lymph from the nose, lips, and teeth drain through lymph nodes in the floor of the mouth. Other nodes are found in the tonsils and adenoids. This is a one-directional flow.
They engulf and destroy many foreign and toxic particles. Lymph nodes also contain b lymphocytes that produce antibodies to protect the body from future viruses, bacteria, yeast, and other organisms.
In a healthy state, lymph nodes are about the size of almonds. However, when they are overloaded with excess toxins, they swell and become painful. This occurs when the body experiences colds and infections. The lymph system is vital in helping to fight disease.
Why Detox your lymph system?
The lymph system has been little recognized nor researched until the latter half of this century. Indeed, in 1900, the structure and action of the lymph system remained largely undefined. Even within the past 10 years, most students would not have gained an awareness that organs such as the tonsils, adenoids, thymus, and spleen were part of the lymphatic system. Nor would they have learned that the lymph system is often the first line of immunological defence against harmful bacteria, toxin concentrations and oxygen starvation of one's cells.
When the lymphatic system is flowing freely everything is fine. When it backs up, however, there’s trouble. The consequences can be serious, even life-threatening. Not only are the building, repair and waste disposal systems affected by a disruption, the body’s defences against foreign substances are also impaired. In addition to filtering out toxic materials, the lymph nodes also produce substances which fight off invading viruses and bacteria and destroy abnormal cells that developed within the body, such as cancer cells. In addition to being part of the body’s plumbing and repair system, the lymphatics are an essential part of our immune system
Clearing the lymphatic system can substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, or blockage of the arteries. Cleansing the lymphatic system allows the body to more efficiently clear excess cholesterol out of the arteries. That makes perfect sense, of course. One way to get rid of excess cholesterol is to clean out the disposal pathways. It’s like draining dirty water backed-up in your kitchen sink by unclogging the drain pipe or using a plunger to unstop the toilet.The other way to reduce the cholesterol in the arteries, of course, is to lower the intake of cholesterol-containing and cholesterol-producing foods in the diet.
Does your lymphatic system work?
Lymph fluid plus the cellular fluids it is in contact with constitute 80% of body fluid. Blood supplies the remaining 20%. All nutrients and oxygen travelling to, and all carbon dioxide and other metabolic by-product wastes travelling from each of your billions of cells is carried by lymph fluid. Lymph fluid can either be reabsorbed into the blood, or be filtered by one or more lymph nodes before entering the bloodstream.
When not working efficiently, the lymphatic system reduces the ability for the brain and other organs to do their work. Toxins normally filtered out and destroyed by the lymph system are offloaded onto other organs ... overloading them. Even as happens in the intestine and colon with poor health and nutrition habits --- stagnant lymph fluid may contain old deposits of dead bacteria, metabolic toxins, and dead cells.
Factors influencing the lymphatic system negatively are:
- overwork: lack of rest periods;
- sedentariness: lack of healthy exercise;
- processed foods: lack of fresh foods;
- authority-based toxic shame;
- chronic depression: bureaucracy;
- toxic chemical-based pollutants;
- energy block attitudes and behaviours;
- materialism restricting spirituality.
When the lymph system becomes blocked or sluggish, an oxygen-starved, toxic environment is created which will influence all the cells of the body. A stagnant toxic lymph flow can produce a thickened, turbid dirty lymph. It encourages degeneration of both cells and organs and contributes to tumour and cancer formation. Symptoms of congestion can include any one or any combination of the following. All of these conditions have shown consistent improvement following lymph drainage massage or other lymph clearing processes:
- back pain;
- breast congestion;
- chronic bowel problems: constipation;
- yeast infections;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- fibromyalgia;
- skin disorders;
- cellulite fat accumulations;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- hormonal and emotional imbalances;
- recurrent headaches;
- chronic depression;
- muscle and tissue tension;
- chronic sinusitis, allergies;
- gum disease and bad breath;
- hearing, balance or sight problems;
- recurrent tonsillitis, colds, ...
- prostatitis;
- overweight;
- lupus;
- haemorrhoids;
- slow healing of burns, cuts, ....
A healthy lymph system produces lymphocytes which target and destroy unrecognized cells which are assumed to be, and usually are, destructive disease presenting germs.
What you can do for Lymphatic Health
Dry brush massage. A easy way to stimulate blood flow and help lymphatic function.
Showering with non-chlorinated water. Always use a shower filter.
Electro-lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is an increasingly recognized and now well established therapy, effective in helping to detoxifying the body. ELT stimulates the movement of the lymphatic system by radiating an energy field rich in negative charged ions, which moves the lymph and dissipates congested cells and protein matter in the body.
Herbal remedies like AIM Herbal Release
Eat foods that do not cause excessive congestion. Excessive and partially digested proteins, highly refined foods, excessive sweets, and dairy increase lymphatic congestion. Limiting these foods improves lymph function.
All exercise with deep conscious breathing like Yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, Qigong etc. Proper breathing is the most important thing you can do for maintaining health. There’s a wrong way and a right way to breathe. Children breathe deeply, from their diaphragm. As we age, however, our breathing shifts to the chest and becomes more rapid and more shallow. Deep breathing is best. Take a few minutes each day to practice breathing deeply. Remember, the lymph system doesn’t have a heart to keep it flowing. It’s dependent on contraction of the muscles and breathing. So, breathe deeply and exercise either with the Yoga Swing or the
Lymphatic Massage: Manual lymphatic drainage
This technique is inexpensive and can be done anywhere. It does require either a therapist or a partner for the back half of our body, as it is relatively awkward to reach and relaxation during the massage is a must. Lymph massage has been practiced in Europe since the early 1930's but was not received in North America until the 1970's.
Lymph vessels are sensitive! and for effective drainage the massage of them must be very light! Anyone who can provide a light and sensitive touch, and this is intensely important here, can learn a form of lymphatic massage. Remember, this is lymph massage, not deep muscle tissue restructuring!
TO BEGIN using this technique, you are best to visit a lymphatic drainage massage therapist. If satisfied and able to pay, you may wish to continue using their services. If finances are a problem, observe and sense carefully the movements and pressure and order of movements taken by the therapist. Then practice doing it on the front part your body until you believe your movements are synchronized with those of the therapist.
Rebounding with a lymphaciser
Lymphacising magnifies results of ALL therapies
- Increases levels of oxygen in the blood
- Improves your posture
- Improves respiration
- It can also help you lose weight
- ease back and joint pain
- improve your cardiovascular system
- relieve stress
- reduce illness and
- improve your immunity.
Lymphacising on a mini trampolin stimulates the immune system and increases internal cleansing most effectively to the cellular level. This subtle way of exercising to gravity (the natural force of attraction exerted by earths mass) has the effect of boosting immunity and generating a great deal of energy, while at the same time decreasing pain, respiratory problems and join stiffness. Lymphacising on a Body Energiser leads to an overall improvement in health, clears the mind, relaxes the body and boosts oxygen levels. With added advantage of energizing improving posture and enzyme activity in the digestive system because all 12 Acupuncture Meridians, Central Conception and Governing Vessel Meridians are self activated and balanced.
Rebounding on a Lymphaciser is the easiest, most effective way to total health and fitness for all ages. It uses the force of gravity to help tone muscles, exercise joints and improve flow in the blood and lymph systems. It's a total exercise for total fitness. It works every muscle in the body.
Fitness jumping has been used in rehabilitative settings for over 30 years.
Taught entirely on a unique spring-enhanced device, this type of exercise allows the body to work harder, for a longer period of time, because the body is not absorbing the shock and stress of hard-surface workouts.
The REBOUNDING Program is accomplished by jumping only a few inches off the surface of the fitness equipment and reduces the jarring impact associated with other types of aerobic exercise. The Program is a fun workout for all ages, shapes, weights and sizes.